Friday, April 27, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
To Breed or not to Breed...
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Newest Fetus

Sunday, April 15, 2007
Title Unknown
Now, for a quick soapbox rant and rave. Next week in the Hall County School system, the kids are taking the CRCT test, which 3rd and 5th graders must pass to go on to the next grade. This past week, everyone was going out of their ever-living minds over this test. Now, I shouldn't brag, but it is the truth--the school where I work usually has some of the highest scores in the county (out of 17 elementary schools)--so alot of times everyone fixates on the kids who won't pass (which is very few). Maybe it is because I am new to the school system, or maybe it is because I can keep my head on straight, but I understand that some kids can pass the test, but there are some kids, that no matter how well they are taught, and no matter how wonderful their teachers are (and all teachers are great, I think)--they are not going to pass a standardized test. It is no one's fault, it is just how it is. Don't lose any sleep over it! Geez! Okay, enough of that. I will close with a recipe for the easiest cookies I have ever made (and they are yummy, too!) Enjoy!
Easy Cookies
1 box of cake mix (any kind you choose--I used chocolate)
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1 cup chocolate chips
chopped nuts (optional)
Mix all ingredients together, bake on 350 for 8-10 minutes (I had to bake them alot longer, because I put them on my Pampered Chef pans)--but they stay soft and yummy! Bon appetit!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Back to School and Moody

Saturday, April 07, 2007
The End of Spring Break!
Well, the end is near (of Spring Break). I am truly sad, but I also realize that I only have 7 weeks of school left once I return on Monday, and I do kind of miss the sweet kids' faces, and them yelling out my name across the school hallways, "Mrs. Nix!"--I've gotta admit it, I love it! Tonight we had Andy's family over (minus the youngest in-laws, Charlie and Rachel, we missed you guys!) to celebrate Andy's dad's birthday. I cooked for everyone, and my friend, Amanda, brought her two children over, Daisy and Grant. Daisy helped me cook dessert. Actually, she made a yummy salad made up of leftover lettuce, egg whites, and eggshells for the guys to enjoy! Here are a few pictures of our night, some of them are quite fuzzy due to my camera being on a funky setting. And Daisy's outfit is my version of a small apron, since I didn't have one available! I hope everything has a fabulous Easter. Down here, it looks like we are going to have to bust out our finest Easter snowsuits to wear since this is the coldest first weekend in April since 1886--seriously, this is ridiculous! Here are some pictures of our night! Happy Birthday, Chris!
Here is "Poppy Chris" and Grant, the newest addition to the Strine family!
Me and Daisy posing in our aprons! Smile, Daisy!
Daisy on her newest pony.
Wouldn't you love to eat this salad?"Nana Sandra" and Grant--they really want some grandkids from some of us--Andy and I got married last, so the pressure is on the other brothers' first!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Callie is one and other random pictures!
Andy) more than myself:)! And maybe I can even have a child one day--except you can't leave your children down in the basement all day while you're gone to work, can you? I also downloaded pics from Whitney's big day, but somehow lost all but one--so here is one from her bridesmaids' luncheon on Friday! Hope all is well--it is a beautiful day!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Spring Break!
When Andy and I returned home, he found out that he got tickets to The Masters practice round. He left this morning at about 4 am, and followed Tiger around all morning. I am so pumped for him--he has always wanted to go, and finally got to! Pictures to follow so all of you golfers can be tremendously jealous:)! Yay for you, honey! Happy Spring Break!