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Sunday, December 20, 2009

And Now Presenting...BELLY PICS!!!

Okay, all you belly stalkers out there, here are some (clothed) pictures of my belly growth! You'll notice by the end of these pictures, it is just a belly pic, no face in it--I have now banned belly pictures with my face in them--for any of you that have been pregnant, I'm sure you can understand! I hope you enjoy these alot more than I am enjoying posting them for the world to see!19 weeks
23 weeks--on the beach at Jekyll Island when we went down for the UGA/Florida game
27 weeks: Thanksgiving Day

Me and the grandmothers at my family & church shower in Gainesville
28 weeks


Becky said...

Hallelujah!!! :) You look PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them!!!!!!

Ashley & Bobby said...

you are so cute pregnant! You look awesome!!! Merry Christmas!

Kim said...

You're so cute!!! That Thanksgiving pic is so beautiful!! Merry Christmas! Thanks for posting these. =)

Angie said...

You look wonderful!

Leslie Ware said...

Girl whatever. You are the cutest pregnant girl evah! Thanks for posting some!!! Hope you all had a merry christmas, we were thinking about you and your fam.

Leslie said...

You look so cute and are so small--all belly! Enjoy getting to eat during the holidays and not have to suck in:) Love ya!

Tastiman said...

I love the suggestion about writing to build a community. I really enjoy sharing the interesting and engaging blogs I discover... it's the "web" in web-logging, and making those connections is gratifying and good.
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