The title of this blog is a summary of what I have been up to over the past week. The weekend of the 12th, Andy and I headed to Nashville for golf (him) and picnics (me) with friends. When I returned from Nashville, after a retreat with school, I headed to the beach with my mom, Eli, and my little cousin, Parker. We hung out on the beach for a few days, before visiting my cousin, Heath, his wife, Kate, and their son, Carter, in Jacksonville. We had a blast! While I was gone, I discovered (through the help of Eli and friends) some great new books: The Shack (Christian) and Twilight (young adult Harry Potteresque, except with vampires). Eli let me borrow The Shack and he was also the third person to say something about Twilight, so I had to read it. Both books are a must-read--and Twilight is a series, and I have just finished the second book, New Moon. You have to get them! Two very different genres, but both very good! You can probably tell that I am not much for details in this blog, I just wanted to post some pictures so you can see what has been going on! Enjoy the rest of your summer--mine is ending all too soon!
Here is Campbell singing "Seek Ye First"--do you think he is listening in church? I think so!
A beautiful sunset
Eli and Parker with some short fisherman outside Down The Hatch
Everyone but me (someone has to take the pictures!)