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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mothers & Cavities

Odd choice of title, right? Well, the past few weeks for me have been filled with celebrating mothers and having a mouth full of cavities--so what better title than that? First the cavities...a few weeks ago I ventured to the dentist for the first time since Andy and I have been married. I know, I know, it has been too long, and I don't want to hear it from any of you religious dentist visitors, because I used to be one of you. Somewhere along the line, though, I fell off the dental bandwagon. After my visit, and the future follow up to fill my cavities (I'm not telling you how many!) I am back on the bandwagon, and let's just say that I am not planning on falling off any time soon, because I am strapping myself in with yards and yards of floss.
Now, on to mothers...last weekend I went home to celebrate Mother's Day with my mom. Now, for any of you who have met my mom know that she is the best mom in the world. She has had the patience to teach kindergarteners for 20 years now and raise two absolutely fantastic kids:). Well, three if you count my dad (right Dad?:)). Love you, Mom, you really are the best!!! We had a fantastic time hanging out around the house and just chilling. I think I have been a little homesick lately, I was so excited to be at home with Mom, Dad, and Eli--I left Andy and Callie in Gainesville, so it was like I was back in high school or college again, just coming home for the weekend! As an added bonus, I got to eat lunch with Andrea on Saturday--it was so good to see her!
Today, we celebrated my mother-in-law's 55th birthday with a surprise party. We hung out around the pool, but didn't get in because the water was frigid, and the wind was blowing very hard! Chris Anne and I always talk about how blessed we are to have great mother-in-laws, and it is definitely true! Sandra is an amazing woman, and I'm proud to be her daughter-in-law.
I forgot to mention another inductee into the knocked up club, Mandi Hall, who is due in August with Weston Clark Hall--her and Clancy's first boy! Clancy now has a "teammate"! I hope you all have a happy rest of May, this is my last week of school with students, then I'm headed to the pool for the rest of the summer. It won't let me post pictures right now, sorry!


Whitney said...

I feel ya on strapping yourself with yards and yards of floss...i seem to always fall off the wagon when it comes to dental heigene and always regret it! It's just not high on my list, sadly. Anyway, yay for Mandi and Clancy and also Jenna (Underhill) Hartman has finally let the cat out of the bag too! Her blog is listed on mine. Love ya!

Angie said...

We fell off the dental check-up bandwagon when we got married, too. Now we have insurance again, and we've jumped back on! :) Hope your mouth is healing up well.

Kim said...

I'm so sorry about your cavities. That stinks. =(

Jillina said...

Going to the dentist stresses me out - I seem to never get good reports. Random do you guys go to picture day at UGA?

chris anne said...

girl, i'm right there with you. i just went to the dentist for the first time since i've been married, too. and yes, i had a few cavities myself.

dad mctee said...

You are so right, my daughter - Mom has raised three kids, but only two of them grew up - the third one (me) is hopelessly mired in adolesence (a 15 year old with 39 years of experience!!). I am not going to scold you about the dentist - have occasionally gone too long with no visit myself, but finally learned that dentists and doctors are your friends if you see them fairly often. It's kinda like changing the oil in your car - if you let it go too long, it can be BAD!! You guys are all changing the oil in your vehicles, RIGHT?