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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Dear Mama...

Yes, it's true, I am 27 years old, and still call my mother, "Mama"--so what? Yesterday was her birthday, and I'm sorry to be sending blog wishes one day late, but don't worry, I called her yesterday, and had celebrations over the weekend! Andy, Callie, and I went to Dalton this past weekend to have an early birthday celebration, and we hung out with my parents and my grandmother. I was in a hurry to leave, and forgot my camera, so I have no pictures. But, my mother looked awesome, so everyone can imagine her however you like! I'll have lots of pictures as the holidays near, though! Happy Birthday, Mama!!!!
One quick story about dessert. Dessert, you say? Yes, dessert! For those of you who are married to a man (which is all you:)) there is a mystery that I need help solving. How is it possible that two people can eat the exact same thing (and the man even more) yet the woman gains weight, and the man loses it! What is that about?! It is seriously ticking me off. The weird thing is that Andy has a MAJOR sweet tooth, and he would eat homemade dessert every night if I would fix it. His newest dessert fetish is Rice Krispy Treats. They are quite easy to make, I will admit, but when he requested them one night at 9:15 (I like to be in bed around 9:30--I know, totally old fogey bedtime) I was adament that I would not be making them. After his request, I was checking in with everyone's blogs before I headed to bed, and he was watching TV, or so I thought. I looked over at him to tell him I was going to bed, and this is what I saw:
I'm not sure how long he had been "cuddling" with the Rice Krispies box before I looked over--but needless to say, I made him his Treats because his stunt was too funny!


chris anne said...

classic! david loves those, too. and you know, i fight that same battle because david would eat slice and bake cookies EVERY night, and they just smell so darn good that it is hard to resist.

Jillina said...

Ha! Ha!

dad mctee said...

I'll email you a picture when I catch "Mama" all dressed up and looking "killer"!!

Angie said...

Men are so subtle..... :)

Whitney said...

HAHA!!! I love it...I actually laughed out loud sitting here at my desk at work. Happy birthday mama Jan!

Abigail and Ansley said...

Hilarious! How could you resist after that?! Love you lots!