Here are the Top Ten Things Every Pregnant Mommy Should Know That I Learned From Another Mommy, a Book, or for Myself
(shout out to Whitney (due June) and Lauren (due September) Holla!!!!)
1. If you plan to breastfeed, put lanolin on "the girls" every day from 6 weeks before your due date on (it softens everything up and keeps things from cracking and drying up)
2. At the end of your pregnancy you cannot reach anything (sorry to be gross, but I'm talking about the restroom here)
3. You don't have to wash the babies clothes in Dreft, you can use a cheaper detergent like All Free & Clear. I have started to wash all of our clothes in it, so even when I just need to wash one or two things of Camille's, it can go in with the rest of our stuff.
4. Soothie pacifiers suck. Even though it is the pacifier that all the books I read recommend because it is more like mom's nipple. Seriously? I can't imagine anyone's nipple shaped like that.
5. Gather up as many menus from area restaurants that deliver or carry out and have them at your house. I would go so far as to store their numbers in your cell phone (actually your husband's cell phone, since he will be the one picking it up!) Some moms who are totally organized freeze things ahead of time (go Rachel!)--but if you are feeling like a beached whale like I was...get the menus.
6. No matter what the Pregnancy Police* says: YOU CANNOT SPOIL A NEWBORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. The first 2 (I really say 3) months of your babies life--just survive. Don't freak your freak about schedules and sleep schedules, it will make your life a living...well, you know. But, if scheduling makes you feel better, go ahead and give it a whirl, it works for some people.
8. The Fog. For atleast the first 3 months of your baby's life, you will live in what I now call "The Fog". You don't know who you are, if you are nursing--you feel like a cow, none of your clothes fit, you are tired beyond your wildest imagination, you don't know what in the world you are doing, you cannot remember ANYTHING...I could go on and on. When your baby turns 3 months old, it begins to lift (or it has for me). I hear from other mommies that around 6 months old, you really feel alot better.
9. My amazing friend (and Camille's pediatrician) Dr. Kelly Lathem gave me the best advice when I called her freaking out because Camille hadn't slept in several hours (which all babies do:)) and I was quoting one of the 10 books I had read to her. She said, "Bethany, babies don't read the books." That hit me like a ton of bricks and I have quoted her to myself and everyone else since.
10. Don't feel bad about watching your babies eyelashes grow (or anything on his/her body for that matter). Your house could be falling apart all around you, but take the time to play with your baby (or just stare at them, like I do). Like Scarlett O'Hara says, "Tomorrow is another day". Just clean your house tomorrow (or next week, like me).
I really could do a Top 50, but I don't mean to overwhelm anyone--like you don't already feel that way. These things are what have worked for me and you will figure out what works for you and your baby!
*Pregnancy Police: The total strangers who approach you and give you advice about what you should do while you are pregnant or even after. I don't consider myself the Pregnancy Police, because you chose to read my blog, I didn't force it upon you:0)