"Wow, I can't believe Bethany is posting again--she usually takes forever!" you might be thinking. But if you will reference my previous posts, you might realize that I am nearing the end of graduate school, and probably have lots of assignments due! The truth is I have two papers and two presentations due in the next two weeks--so I might be blogging quite a bit! The procrastinator in me rules again! Over the summer, I have gone to graduate school two days a week, and helped my mother-in-law 1 1/2 days a week. The other days, I have been lounging at the pool, and playing with my dog! A few weeks ago, I headed to Gulf Shores, AL with some of my nearest and dearest friends, Lauren, Laura, Carrie, and Andrea--we were missing Brooke, but she was there in our hearts. We had an absolute blast! There are too many stories to tell--but I will tell you that if any of you have the chance to see the comedian Jim Gaffigan in person or on TV--take it, he is hilarious! I am going to post some pics from that trip--sorry, no full-length bathing suit shots from us! Maybe I will channel my inner Pamela Anderson when I go on my family trip at the end of this month!
On Sunday, Andy and I (well, mostly me) babysat my friend Amanda's children, Daisy (3) and Grant (almost 6 months). We had them from after church until about 8:00 pm. Let's just say, I have decided that everyone who thinks about having children should be required to babysit some kids for several hours at a time, several different days. I might start a company that I will call "Rent-A-Kid", where people can rent kids of all ages and maintenance levels (high, medium, low, stubborn, laid-back, sleep-deprived, ADHD, etc.) to practice their parenting skills. For some of the fools who have children these days, it should almost be required, yes? Can I get an "Amen!"? For any of you who work in the school system, you know the parents I am talking about. When the kids left, Andy and I just sat on the couch and took deep breaths for awhile. I asked Andy if he was ready for kids, and he said, "No way!" He commented how he enjoyed just chilling with me and the dog, and I agreed. Just moments earlier, I was feeding Grant a bottle, while fixing supper, and wrestling a Capri-Sun drink away from Daisy. Let's just say, I don't know how you mom's do it--y'all are awesome! So here are some pics from the beach and our babysitting day with Daisy and Grant!

Laura and I are part of the Gulf Shores Navy!

All of us! This is my favorite picture from the week!

Andrea and I--we're so fabulous!

Lauren, Laura, and Carrie enjoying yummy ice cream.

All the girls watching the beautiful water--it was gorgeous!

Grant hanging out on a blanket, with his guardian puppy watching over his every move.

Daisy decided that Callie was the perfect pony. Callie did awesome with the kids, atleast we don't have to worry about her!

Andy practicing his baby-wrangling skills.

Grant is sooooo adorable!

Daisy caught me taking a picture, but right before this, Andy, Grant, and Daisy were watching Shrek! They were enthralled!