Of course, the end of my summer is marked by the beginning of school. We are beginning the third full week of school, so you can say that I am back in the swing of things. Since my last post, I have had many out-of-town experiences. I headed to Chattanooga at the end of July to hang with The Ones, Lauren, Laura, Carrie, Andrea, and Brooke. We had the greatest weekend hanging out around town and bonding with lots and lots of girl time! We even had a little surprise shower for Laura and her soon-to-come bundle of joy, Ella Tate! When I returned home on Sunday, Andy asked me where I wanted to go the following week (my last week of freedom before school was out) because he had taken the week off of work...SURPRISE!!! I was so excited, I couldn't stand myself:)! I decided that I wanted to stay close to home, so we had a "Staycation" at home and in Atlanta. We spent the week alternating between the pool (my fave) and the golf course (his fave), then we went to Atlanta for a long weekend. We stayed at a nice hotel, ate unbelievable food, and did all the touristy stuff we never do (Hard Rock Cafe, High Museum of Art, Atlantic Station). We had a blast, and were only an hour from home. I didn't take any pictures of our staycation, but maybe I can find some on the internet from the places we went. Moving on...last weekend, Andy, Callie and I headed to Dalton for my 10-year high school reunion, and a shower for Annie. My high school reunion was a lot of fun--it was so great to see so many people I hadn't seen in ages! I was so glad all of our girlfriends could get together for the shower for Annie and Katie Charlotte, the newest addition to her family who will be here in a couple of weeks. Blogger is not letting me download pictures--but I hope to have some soon!